CEB 1893-1967

Finding the grave of Charles E. Burchfield and paying our respects… We have spent two years researching Mr. Burchfield and diving into his complex web of journal entries and paintings. This man has left the world a true legacy. He lay at rest 15 minutes from his West Seneca home and studio at Oakwood Cemetery in East Aurora. Charles and family were known to travel often to East Aurora especially for church at Immanuel Lutheran.

We included a custom tombstone map locator below for anyone who wants to pay their respects.

Charles Burchfield suffered a heart attack while dining at one of his favorite restaurants, The Chestnut Lodge on January 10, 1967.

“On two occasions recently my clock has stopped in the middle of the night. I would wake up and hear the clock steadily ticking—suddenly without warning it would stop—it had an ominous character all out of proportion to the fact. After all, I had simply forgotten to wind it. A heart could stop beating like that.” Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, August 25, 1947

Charles Burchfield’s grave is located at Oakwood Cemetery in East Aurora, New York. We included a map below to locate the site.

Coordinates: 42.76451° N, 78.62716° W